Book Review.- Apocalypse Never

Gunther Sotomayor
2 min readDec 6, 2020


Book date: June 30, 2020

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In short: It is a good book, very informative and full of notes (1/3 of the book is footnotes and additional information for further reading)

The Author lay ground the basis of his main theme all along with the book: “Power density” and under that paradigm, he argues that the existing discussion of Climate Change and their apocalyptic view is misguided and do not contribute to the real issue behind Climate Change: Poverty

For the author, the real solution to reduce Carbon emissions and delay/eliminate the consequences of Climate Change is the adoption of high power density technology, in this case, Nuclear Power for the developed world or those countries that already have nuclear capabilities (like India & Pakistan)

In the case of developing countries in which poverty is the main cause of climate change and environmental damage, his recommendation is the adoption of the cheapest proven high power density technology available (oil, hydro, natural gas, coal, etc) that allows those countries to industrialize to elevate their economies to escape poverty and eventually reach developing levels to manage nuclear. The author shows via data that even those technologies are not carbon neutral but provide a better answer to climate change and environmental damage as result to give the population an alternative to a very low technology sustenance farming kind of life that is worst for the environment in the long run that any non-carbon neutral existing technology.

The author made a really compelling argument to show and defend his case

Worth reading and a well-recommended book

Warm Regards

Gunther Sotomayor



Gunther Sotomayor

Non Timebo Mala. Nowhere man, globetrotter, worldly citizen, techie, world news junkie, freak & constructor.